Where shall I start? This game for the Playstation 3 has the best graphics for a console game ever! They are that good. The color scheme is very rich in nature. The animations of the players are fluid with minor glitches here and there. Here we go:
The graphics: The graphics on this game are a sight to behold. The water effects are the best effects to date. The backgrounds look like they are photo realistic in some scenes. The bad guys wear armor, and as you shoot them you can see the armor fall off to reveal weak points to shoot. It is that detailed.
The sound: The weapons fire just like their real life counterparts. They even look real. The game was recorded in 7.1 Dolby Digital. If you have a good sound system, crank that sucker up. This game has a nice soundtrack to boot. It really sets the mood.
The gameplay: This game plays quite nicely. It is linear for the most part, but you do have some exploration freedom. There are 100 treasures hidden around the levels of the game. It stretches the game out for people that like to find all the hidden treasures in their games. For the most part, the stealt elements work well except this one part at the beginning of the game. The multi player element has to be one of the best on the PS3. It has a co op mode. It has a death match mode. There is a lot of replayability in this game.
Now for the final verdict: I score this game a 9.6 out of 10. It is that good. You will be playing this one for a while. It took me 13 hours to complete the single player mode. I was searching for the treasures. A straight run might take you about 8 hours. This game is highly recommended. Happy treasure hunting.