Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Man Open Fires On School Board Meeting After Wife Allegedly Gets Fired!

New Credit Card number stealing technology!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Teabagger I mean KKK meeting on the Jeffersons

A Class Divided Part 10 of 10

A Class Divided Part 9 of 10

A Class Divided Part 8 of 10

A Class Divided Part 7 of 10

A Class Divided Part 6 of 10

A Class Divided Part 5 of 10

A Class Divided Part 4 of 10

A Class Divided Part 3 of 10

A Class Divided Part 2 of 10

A Class Divided Part 1 of 10

This was a class experiment Conducted years ago on the natural but wrong assumptions of other races in America. Great experiment.

What do you all think about the negative annotations that come along with being “Black/Afro,” is it real or just humbug?

Taken from

Black Americans were stereotyped in the early 20th century as joyous, naive, superstitious, and ignorant. By the end of the 20th century, the stereotypes said that they were poor, lazy, ignorant, criminals, and violent, and occasionally ardent adherents of Christianity.

Mulatto Is a mixed-blood male or female. In film, often portrayed as a tragic figure who either intentionally or unintentionally passes for White until they discover they have Negro blood or are discovered by another character to be Black.

Mass media have played and will continue to play a crucial role in the way white Americans perceive African-Americans. As a result of the overwhelming media focus on crime, drug use, gang violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior among African-Americans, the media have fostered a distorted and pernicious public perception of African-Americans.

The history of African-Americans is a centuries old struggle against oppression and discrimination. The media have played a key role in perpetuating the effects of this historical oppression and in contributing to African-Americans’ continuing status as second-class citizens. As a result, white America has suffered from a deep uncertainty as to who African-Americans really are. Despite this racial divide, something indisputably American about African-Americans has raised doubts about the white man’s value system. Indeed, it has also aroused the troubling suspicion that whatever else the true American is, he is also somehow black.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why do Africans dislike African Americans & vice versa???

A: It's due to the misunderstanding of each others cultures. Both African-Americans and black-Africans (because not all Africans are black) have different cultures that sometimes don't agree with each other socially.

AFRICANS VIEW POINT: One of the biggest reasons from the African standpoint of why there is dislike though is that when Africans started coming to America during the 60' or 70's, alot from the African American community were never really welcoming to them; which has been a big complaint by many Africans (there have been cases where some have been taunted, teased, beat up by African Americans). That mind frame not only spread to Africans overseas but ones in Africa (so over the years as more Africans were coming and experiencing this and spreading that view to their community Africans have just learned to permanently distance themsleves from African Americans). Another reason is some Africans have a stereotypical view that African Americans are lazy, into crime, uneducated, uncultured and just surrounded by drama which is untrue for the most part, sad, and stereotypical.

AFRICAN AMERICAN VIEW POINT: One of the biggest reasons from the African American standpoint of why there is dislike for Africans, is some have said that Africans think they are better then African Americans, that Africans act like Uncle Toms, and are mad at them for selling them to slavery. Another reason though is that some African Americans have a stereotypical view that Africans live in the jungle, poor, suffering from starvation and A.I.D.S. which is untrue and stereotypical, and sad. Sometimes these stereotypes have been influenced by the media too from both sides, not only from personal experiences. So for the most part most from each community keep away from each other respectfully, it's sad but thats just the way it is.