Henry Glover anyone? I guess we forgot. Danziger bridge shootings anyone? I guess we forgot about that too. Gretna Police pointing shotguns on Orleans residents on the GNO bridge? Guess we forgot about that. Idiots in Old Algiers Point shooting people being told by the Coast Guard to go by the river and wait for a boat to take them to safety. They even bragged on camera about shooting blacks that meant them no harm. Not one of them went to jail. Hurricane Katrina was horrible for all involved. It also showed how far we have yet to go. Orleans residents were refugees that were looting. St. Bernard residents that were doing the same exact thing were just getting shampoo for their hair? The Mayor even let the tourists skip the line when rescue finally arrived 5 days later. 5 days later?? In America???? The richest country in the Universe? While most cops did an admirable job under the worst circumstances, there were many bad apples. Cops stealing DVD'S out of Wal-Mart. Cops stealing cars (brand new mind you) and abandoning their posts. Was Beyoncé wrong? No. She is late to the party. Nina Simone anyone? Music is supposed to make you talk. Make you think. Make you comment. Get a reaction. Guess what? The experiment worked.
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