This game right here is the real deal. The single player isn't as good as Modern Warfare, but pound for pound you are looking at a fun game. The online is where it takes the crown from Modern Warfare. You can play co-op up to four players. The multi player has so many modes, it baffles the mind! My favorite is the headquarters mode! You also have capture the flag, team death match, search and destroy, free for all, and numerous other modes. Unlike Call of Duty Modern Warfare which has minimal updated, this game keeps getting updated constantly. There are three Map Packs that have been added to the game so far. It gives the game infinite replayability. There is also a Nazi Zombie mode that is a four player game of zombies trying to invade your base. You have to try to hold them back for as long as possible. I give this game a 9.0 out of 10!
This is one of my top ten games on ps3. :)